July 31, 2015
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
A new Massive Online Open Course developed by the Institut Pasteur will be launched in September 2015.
"The Institut Pasteur is a historical institution in the field of vaccine development. Today, vaccines are considered as the principal and the most effective preventative tool in human medicine. Since the pioneering invention of the rabies vaccine by Louis Pasteur, vaccines have saved the lives of billions of children around the world.
Besides research and public health, education is one of the three pillars of the Institut Pasteur's mission. Among the large diversity of courses available at the Institut Pasteur, a Vaccinology course dedicated to scientific medical students and health professionals is taught every year in March in Paris.
To extend the visibility of this course and make it available to a broader audience, the Institut Pasteur is launching for the first time this year a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in Vaccinology, which will be available on September 17, 2015. This MOOC is organized into six weeks and includes six short downloadable video lectures per week, weekly tests, forums, online hangout discussions with the lecturers, and a final exam. Importantly, the MOOC will not replace the face-to-face Vaccinology course.
With a teaching staff concur of 31 internationally renowned medicine professors, scientists, and public health professionals from many countries, this MOOC gives a large overview of vaccinology: history, definitions, basic immunology, epidemiology, preclinical and clinical development, recent vaccines, and future challenges. Sessions are given on smallpox and polio eradication, immune memory, vaccines for pregnant women, neonates and the elderly, adjuvants, delivery, economics, globalization of manufacturing, vaccine perception and several other topics.
To view the programme and register
Please, share this information with your colleagues and friends."
Christian Bréchot, CEO of the Institut Pasteur, and the Vaccinology MOOC team