
New training modules in information systems security coming soon

The team in charge of information systems security at the Institut Pasteur has been working throughout 2020 on the development of new training modules for newcomers and current Institut Pasteur staff to provide them with tools and help them develop good habits that will give them peace of mind as they go about their daily work.

  • First module: a general overview of information systems security

This module takes a general look at the basics of information systems security with the aim of giving all users of the Institut Pasteur's information system a grounding in the principles of security at the Institut Pasteur and some of the issues that affect our daily lives: managing passwords, viral infections and data storage.

  • Second module: phishing

This module, which explores an issue that anyone with an email address will have already experienced, will give Institut Pasteur staff the tools they need to recognize a phishing email and to guard against all the problems they can cause. The twofold aim of the module is to improve knowledge and introduce good daily habits.

  • Third module: remote working and mobility

Our changing working methods mean that we need to change our daily practices and uses of information systems, and the Institut Pasteur's information system is no exception. The spread of remote working and the nature of the research profession, which gives Institut Pasteur scientists the opportunity of traveling to countries all over the world, reveal vulnerabilities and expose the information system to hackers. The aim of this module is to give all Institut Pasteur staff the understanding and the tools they need to work with peace of mind away from the Institut Pasteur campus.

The first two modules will be compulsory training modules for newcomers and will also have to be completed by all Institut Pasteur staff at some point this year.

