Human resources

Individual profit-sharing bonus - Find out more

As announced at the end of April, the conditions to trigger profit sharing (financial leverage and achievement of performance criteria) have been met, meaning that individual bonuses can be paid to eligible Institut Pasteur employees.

Between May 6 and 27, beneficiaries were able to indicate their choice for the payment of their bonus to Natixis. This period has now ended.




  • Those of you who did not indicate their choice to Natixis before the deadline

- In accordance with applicable legislation, if you have not indicated your response by the deadline, the profit-sharing bonus is automatically paid into your Company Savings Plan (PEE), into the most secure investment fund.
- The bonus is therefore not lost and those of you in this situation can see the amount by logging into your secure, personal "Saver" site on the Natixis website. We would remind you that to activate your Company Savings Plan account, you simply need to log into the Natixis Interépargne website with the codes and password received during the week of April 26.

  • Those of you who opted to receive the profit-sharing bonus directly

- The bonus (minus deductions for the General Social Contribution (CSG) and the Social Debt Repayment Contribution (CRDS)) will be paid into your bank or post office account during the month of June via a transfer by Natixis Interépargne.
- In this case, as explained previously, the amount received is treated as taxable income

Erratum of June 9, 2021: Further to a recent change in the regulations, Natixis will directly declare to the French tax authorities the amount of the profit-sharing bonus for employees who chose to receive a direct payment. This declaration will be made by Natixis in 2022 and concern income for 2021. The income will therefore be pre-filled on your tax form by the tax authorities on the basis of the information transmitted by Natixis for tax returns filed for 2021.
Consequently, there will be no impact or tax withheld for the profit-sharing bonus on the June 2021 payslip of those employees concerned.


  • Those of you who opted to invest the bonus in the Company Savings Plan may log into your secure, personal Natixis site and see all the details of your Company Savings Plan.



  • about the profit-sharing scheme, those eligible, results and performance criteria, you can check out the frequently asked questions (FAQ) or head to the relevant Webcampus pages, which contain detailed information on the topic.

  • about the Company Savings Plan, you can consult the Webcampus page on the Company Savings Plan (PEE) by clicking here.



  • If you need any additional information, please contact your HR administrative manager or your local HR contact

  • You can contact the Natixis Interépargne teams from Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6pm, on 02 31 07 74 00 (Fructiligne, no surcharge – multilingual call center agents)

  • Personal saver site

  • A smartphone app (Apple and Android), "Mon épargne salariale" (My Company Savings Plan), is also available to consult your account and perform online transactions.


