June 11, 2021
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Following on from its sister organization ASIP, set up to provide sports activities for staff working on the Institut Pasteur campus, La Pasteurale was created in response to staff who were keen to engage in musical and cultural activities.
Thanks to the financial support of the Works Council, the Institut Pasteur's cultural society was officially established on September 13, 2001. For the past 20 years, La Pasteurale has been organizing, promoting and facilitating artistic and cultural activities on or near campus.
In celebration of the 20th anniversary of La Pasteurale, as well as World Music Day and the arrival of summer, the members of La Pasteurale would love to share their passion for art and culture with you – and despite the health context, they have managed to put together a show for the occasion.
The event will take place on Monday June 21 from 1 to 2pm live on Teams, and a forum will be available for you to ask any questions that come to mind.
Save the date and don't miss the program they have concocted for you this year!