
MOSBRI: the European Research Infrastructure for Molecular-Scale Biophysics - Apply for access to laboratories of excellence

Back in March, the newsletter presented MOSBRI, an innovative research infrastructure for molecular-scale biophysics led by the Institut Pasteur via the Molecular Biophysics Platform (C2RT) headed by Patrick England, scientific coordinator of the project. The project manager is Liliana Avila Ospina.

The work of the new infrastructure began on July 1, together with the launch of the first call for proposals providing all Institut Pasteur and European researchers, whether working in academia or industry, with a one-stop shop giving them access to the 13 partner centers of excellence. Transnational access will allow scientists working in France to request access to MOSBRI centers located in Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the UK.

MOSBRI will provide transnational access (TNA) to molecular-scale biophysics instrumentation and expertise with the aim of studying biological systems at an intermediate level between atomic-resolution structural descriptions and cellular-scale observations.

The MOSBRI program offers TNA to 13 European biophysics laboratories, widely distributed throughout Europe and selected to ensure a comprehensive portfolio of technologies and expertise.

All proposals will be submitted and handled centrally through the MOSBRI website.

Find out more about the call

Find out more about MOSBRI

