July 23, 2021
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
To improve and facilitate the consideration of the ever-growing demands of Pasteurians regarding their cybersecurity needs, the Information Security (IS) team has set up a new web application intended for all Pasteurians.
This application will allow them to perform many actions faster and more efficiently:
SAP: What security clauses should I integrate into contracts with my partners?
Are you going to contract with a service provider? Have you thought about SAP (Security Assurance Plan) ? This tool helps you identify IS security requirements that needs to be attached to your contract, if necessary. The SAP allows you to bind your service provider on cybersecurity matters and thus guarantee a certain level of security.
Data classification: how to safely manipulate data?
Use this tool to get the security measures and tagging rules to put in place depending on the type of data you are handling.
Loss or theft of devices
Use this form to report the loss or theft of your equipment or that of a colleague. Going through this application makes it possible to centralize the declaration for the various departments (legal, IT, etc.).
Derogation from the ISSP
This form allows you to make a request for an exception to the Information System Security Policy.
Authentication compliance (GDPR)
This questionnaire allows you to check whether the authentication offered by an application complies with the recommendations of the CNIL (deliberation n ° 2017-012 of January 19, 2017).
he application is accessible at https://ssi.pasteur.cloud with your PasteurID credentials. Note that you have to connect through the VPN or be on the campus to access the application. For the current time, only French is available.
The IS team will receive requests and can help you based on the information provided if necessary or if you want to.
Find out more on the Webcampus page of the service portal.