
Institut Pasteur Young Scientists Conference on September 10

On September 10, the senior management team and the Department of Scientific Affairs will be holding the Institut Pasteur Young Scientists Conference in the CIS, from 10am to 12 noon. The event will take place both in person, in full compliance with permitted attendance numbers (100 people maximum) and hygiene and distancing measures (masks must be worn and hand sanitizer will be provided), and on Teams via the dedicated link (see below).

The event, only for internal scientists, will start with an introduction by Stewart Cole, who will then hand over to several heads of G5s – Iuliana Ene, Aleksandra Deczkowska, Nicolas Rascovan and Michael White – and U5s – Nolwenn Jouvenet and Roberto Toro Olmedo – so that they can present their research:

The event will also feature the award ceremony for the Institut Pasteur Young Scientist Prize, introduced in 2018 for the Institut Pasteur's 130th anniversary and awarded each year to a PhD student and a post-doctoral fellow who were first authors of high-level research papers published during the year.

To attend the event online via Teams

