October 22, 2021
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
As part of an ongoing process of improvement, an audit of the Procurement Department was carried out in late 2020, with the following aims:
• To analyze the existing situation;
• To carry out a comparative analysis with market best practices;
• To propose areas for improvement in an action plan with clearly defined priorities.
The results of this audit were used as the basis for discussions on current practices with the aim of identifying priority areas for improvement and drawing up a series of recommendations, some of which were implemented with the involvement of corporate departments and support staff. Two core documents (also available in English) were produced by the Procurement Department in connection with this process:
The mandate granted by the senior management team to the Procurement Department, which reflects the ambitions in the Strategic Plan and determines medium- and long-term priorities for the Procurement Department
• The procurement policy, which describes the missions and working methods of the Procurement Department and sets out the Institut Pasteur's values and commitments in its dealings with external stakeholders, specifically suppliers. This document (in French) is available on the Institut Pasteur website.
Two operational documents, entitled "Services offered by the Procurement Department" and "Procurement procedure," will shortly be published in addition to the mandate and policy with the aim of giving practical guidance to Institut Pasteur staff on the procurement process. You will be informed about the publication of these documents via the BIP in the next few weeks.