
Tools for funding opportunities search: and Grant Finder

In order to facilitate access to calls for projects and associated research funding, ADEME, ANR, Inserm including ANRS | Emerging infectious diseases, ANSES and INCa are bringing together all of their calls for scientific projects on a single portal: The portal was born from the collaborative work of six French actors playing a major role in the funding of research projects.

This initiative gives concrete expression to the commitments made by the Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Frédérique Vidal, enshrined in the research programming law promulgated last December, to respond to requests for simplification of research of funding. to simplify and improve the funding opportunities offer at the national level in all research topics. allows you to quickly find the national funding offers what best corresponds to your research topics and to be informed of the publication of new calls by creating an alert, thus helping you to facilitate and lighten administrative tasks

The portal will be gradually enriched with new functionalities and joined by new partners to further simplify the procedures for project leaders and beneficiaries in their search for funding at the national level.


  • Internal tool to monitor funding opportunities at Institut Pasteur: Grant Finder

If you are looking for broader funding opportunities, i.e. internal and external (national, Europe, international) you have at your disposal the Grant Finder tool accessible via Webcampus (VPN required).

The search options available on Grant Finder allows you to identify funding opportunities of both external funders and of Institut Pasteur.

The use of Grant Finder is simple and the search can be done by keywords, but also by filters such as the origin of the funder, the type of funding and the research topics. It is also possible to create alerts to be notified upon publication of a funding opportunity of inetrest.

Don't hesitate to contact the service in charge of these funding opportunities so that we can help you!
