February 18, 2022
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Easing of BCP measures from February 21 (transitional period until March 7):
• Working arrangements: end of special measures and application of the agreement on working from home; home working encouraged for eligible staff and for scientific activities that can be performed remotely.
• Hygiene and distancing measures: strict compliance required; masks no longer mandatory outdoors.
• Meetings, seminars, thesis defenses, events attended by both external visitors and Institut Pasteur staff: now possible in person as long as room occupancy limits are observed; a distance of 1 meter between people must be maintained and masks must be worn; staff are strongly encouraged to maintain remote meetings where possible.
• Social gatherings: now possible in the following conditions: a distance of 1 meter must be maintained between people, premises must be aired, gatherings must not exceed 25 people, and permission from the BCP Committee is required.
• Sports and cultural activities will resume, in compliance with the protocols established by the clubs.
Given the favorable development of the COVID-19 epidemic situation, the BCP/PBRP Committee is pleased to announce the easing of restrictions on the Institut Pasteur campuses (rue du Docteur Roux and rue de Charenton) from Monday February 21. There will be an adaptation period of two weeks during the winter break (February 21-March 7).
1/ Working arrangements
The special measures for home working no longer apply and the agreement on working from home signed in July 2021 will again be applicable (for a reminder of the measures in the agreement, click on the link here).
As far as possible and in agreement with your managers, we would strongly encourage all scientific and support staff who are eligible to work from home to do so on an occasional basis so as to keep presence on campus and in busy areas such as the company restaurant to a minimum.
2/ Hygiene and distancing measures
Hygiene and distancing measures remain essential to limit infections and must be strictly observed, especially wearing masks indoors in buildings and closed spaces. Masks no longer need to be worn outdoors on campus, however. Surgical masks will continue to be distributed, as will FFP2 masks for situations that require additional protection (information about mask distribution can be found on the Webcampus home page).
If you are a vulnerable person at risk of developing a severe form of COVID-19, we would invite you to consult the Occupational Health Department (drhst@pasteur.fr), which will examine your situation, and to wear an FFP2 mask.
Finally, we would remind you of the importance of vaccination, which reduces transmission of the virus and provides effective protection against severe forms of the disease.
3/ Meetings, internal seminars and thesis defenses
Meetings, internal seminars and thesis defenses (with or without external guests) are now possible in person, subject to compliance with maximum occupancy limits (which will be reviewed) and hygiene and distancing measures (masks, physical distance of at least 1 meter, regular airing of premises, etc.).
In accordance with the new protocol established by the French Ministry of Employment, we would nevertheless recommend that you continue to opt for remote meetings where possible.
Events with both Institut Pasteur staff and external guests can also now begin to be planned. Conferences organized with external stakeholders will gradually resume from the month of April (this will be confirmed in early March in view of the latest health situation).
Teaching and training can once again be entirely organized in person.
4/ Eating on campus and social gatherings
The cafeteria and The 25 will gradually resume normal service from February 21. The restaurant La Table will reopen on February 28.
We would strongly encourage you to make full use of the extended lunch period in the company restaurant (11.30am to 2.15pm) or to bring your lunch with you.
Social gatherings and receptions are again permitted, as long as the rules on physical distancing and airing venues are observed. During this progressive resumption period, the number of people may not exceed 25, and permission from the BCP Committee is required.
5/ Other measures
There are no longer any restrictions on access to campus.
Guest and retired researchers are again authorized to come onto campus (although they may not use the company restaurant), as are under-18s.
Cultural and sports activities will resume, in compliance with hygiene and distancing measures and maximum permitted numbers.
The BCP/PBRP Committee is delighted to be able to ease the measures regarding activities on campus and would like to thank you for your patience and your continued cooperation. The committee will however continue to closely monitor developments in the health situation in France.
The BCP/PBRP Committee
Link to the summary table of measures on Webcampus here