
Register for the first edition of the "Waterborne Infectious Diseases" MOOC

The digital education office is pleased to invite you to sign up for the first edition of the "Waterborne Infectious Diseases " MOOC, from March 22 to May 24, 2022, led by François-Xavier Weill, Maël Bessaud and Dominique Franco.

Water is essential for humankind for both nutrition and hygiene. However about 2 billions people in the world do not have access to drinkable water and almost 4 billions do not have proper sanitation systems. In addition, fresh water carries a significant infectious risk, due to the presence of bacteria, viruses or parasites. For example, contaminated water is responsible for an annual 1.4 million deaths in infants from diarrhea and there is still an on-going cholera pandemic in many parts of Africa, South-East Asia and Central America. An intersectoral approach is needed to ensure sustainable management of water, sanitation and hygiene. This MOOC will give you an overview of waterborne infectious diseases and how to fight them.

By the end of the course, you will be able to:  
•    Explain the public health issues related to fresh water.
•    Describe the specific problems in various developing countries linked to socio-anthropological customs.
•   Define the main bacteriological, viral and parasitic diseases transmitted by ingestion or contact with fresh water.
•    Discuss preventive and corrective measures to reduce the risk of transmission of infectious diseases through water.

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With the support of:


The Institut Pasteur Online Diploma of Infectious Diseases (DNM2IP):

This MOOC is one of 15 MOOC’s labeled to obtain the Institut Pasteur Online Diploma of Infectious Diseases (DNM2IP), a diploma launched in 2019 and which already has more than 700 registrants in all continents.

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