March 11, 2022
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Press info of Friday March 4
The Institut Pasteur voices support for the people and scientific community of Ukraine in response to the military invasion of their country by Russia.
Since the start of the conflict, the Institut Pasteur has launched various initiatives to help Ukrainian academics. The institute has also stepped forward to host Ukrainian researchers as part of France's PAUSE program (national program for the emergency hosting of scientists in exile), initiated by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation and run by the Collège de France.
The Institut Pasteur campus hosts both Ukrainian and Russian scientists who share their knowledge and actively contribute to the work of several research teams. The Institut Pasteur is particularly committed to defending the principle of research independence and the democratic values of higher education.
The Institut Pasteur has suspended all new bilateral research collaborations with Russia. These measures fall in line with ministerial recommendations and the stance of other scientific institutions.
The words spoken by Louis Pasteur during his inauguration speech for the Institut Pasteur on 14 November 1888 still ring true to this day: "[...] two contrary laws seem to be wrestling with each other today: one, a law of blood and death, which by dreaming up new means of combat every day, forces nations to be constantly ready for the battlefield, the other a law of peace, work, and health which only dreams of freeing humans from the scourges that beset them. One seeks violent conquests, the other the relief of humanity. The latter places one human life above any victory, while the former would sacrifice hundreds and thousands of lives to the ambition of one".
Find internal communications:
Message from Stewart Cole on the situation in Ukraine (1 March 2022)
Message from Stewart Cole: new communication about the conflict in Ukraine (4 March 2022)