March 18, 2022
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
It was in the unique setting of the Émile Duclaux hall that the exhibition "The Pasteurian Spirit" was inaugurated on March 15, a symbolic recognition on campus of the bicentenary of Louis Pasteur's birth and a tribute to the scientist who paved the way for modern research.
As well as focusing on the man, his life and his achievements, the exhibition particularly sets out to explore the question of his legacy. Louis Pasteur undoubtedly passed on a "Pasteurian spirit" to future generations, a legacy based on values that have inspired and driven staff at the Institut Pasteur and in the Pasteur Network for more than 130 years, and continue to do so today.
"What does it mean to be imbued with the Pasteurian spirit, to be a Pasteurian?" That was the question underpinning the event, led jointly by Jean-François Chambon, Vice-President Communications – Scientific Outreach, and Erik Orsenna, Ambassador for the Institut Pasteur and the Pasteur Network, and attended by Christian Vigouroux, Chairman of the Institut Pasteur Board of Governors, Stewart Cole, President of the Institut Pasteur, and Caroline Demangel, Head of the Immunobiology of Infection Unit.
The inauguration was an opportunity to hear from several speakers in turn, staff members and those involved in the bicentenary, either in person or by video, as they shared their thoughts on this question that continues to guide the bicentenary celebrations throughout the year.
Christian Vigouroux, Chairman of the Institut Pasteur Board of Governors:
A commitment that characterizes an attachment and an influence rooted in the universal nature of science, based on three requirements:
- Excellence, lofty ambitions and meaningful discoveries for global health (...)
- Taking risks: being a Pasteurian means treading new paths without knowing where they will lead
- Public interest, a hallmark of Pasteurian culture (...) Devotion to causes that go beyond our own individual outlook
What makes the word Pasteurian so powerful? It's that you will never meet anyone who regrets being or having been a Pasteurian.
Stewart Cole, President of the Institut Pasteur:
Being a Pasteurian today means cultivating openness, a dynamic approach and a listening ear to address the needs currently facing society – regardless of place, country or culture. To my mind, being a Pasteurian today more than ever means embodying certain values: humility (...), without which nothing is possible; perseverance, without which we can never succeed; and also, perhaps above all: humanitarianism!
Following these in-person addresses at the event, a series of short videos was shown. The first, produced in collaboration with former Institut Pasteur President Maxime Schwartz, featured a series of questions that shed light on the historical background of Louis Pasteur, his achievements, his most influential discoveries and his scientific legacy.
Being a Pasteurian firstly means conducting research with Pasteur as a role model, in such a way that intuition and enthusiasm are constantly tempered by a critical mindset. It means always bearing in mind that science and its applications are intrinsically linked. And it means being open to the world – an openness that led to the development of the Institut Pasteur International Network, now known as the Pasteur Network
Pascale Cossart, an Institut Pasteur Professor and Honorary Permanent Secretary at the French Academy of Sciences, then spoke in a second video message in which she described the role and composition of the General Bicentenary Committee, of which she is a member, and emphasized this special year and the many events and initiatives that will be taking place under the official bicentenary label (find out more on the website).
To my mind, being a Pasteurian means elevating microbiology to the highest possible level. It means being a leader!
The final part of the inauguration event was an opportunity to hear from some of today's Pasteurians. Echoing the title of the exhibition, "The Pasteurian Spirit," a number of vox pops recorded on campus in late February were shown. Several staff of different ages, with varied backgrounds and positions, rose to the challenge and shared their thoughts on what "being a Pasteurian" and "being imbued with the Pasteurian spirit" means for them.
Following the videos, Caroline Demangel, Head of the Immunobiology of Infection Unit, shared her fascination for Louis Pasteur the
unbridled explorer, the way in which he was able to tackle a rich variety of topics throughout his career, and also the culture of interdisciplinarity that he passed down. This culture allows us – like Pasteur himself in a way – to have careers that don't go in a straight line (...), that enable us to build (...) bridges with colleagues who have expertise in different areas, and that is something that is unique to our campus. Since becoming a Pasteurian, (...) I have done my very best to make sure my research helps deepen knowledge and understanding of the living world, and also to embrace innovation.
Erik Orsenna, ever loyal to the Institut Pasteur, its values, its scientists and all those who support it, was also keen to share his view of the Pasteurian spirit.
The Pasteurian spirit means persevering, whatever happens.
At the close of this inaugural session, Jean-François Chambon and Erik Orsenna also presented a timelapse video showing how the exhibition was put together and reminded the audience of the various events that have been organized for the inauguration, before thanking everyone who made the exhibition and the inauguration event possible. The exhibition "The Pasteurian Spirit" is now officially open!
Look back at the event
Watch the behind-the-scenes video about the inauguration
Watch the full video of the inauguration online
The exhibition "The Pasteurian Spirit" is open throughout 2022. A series of display panels, illustrations, texts, photos, artifacts and portraits have been assembled to shed light on the workings of the "Pasteurian spirit," driven by three scientific and humanitarian ambitions: understanding the living world, improving health and passing on knowledge to future generations. You can also leave your own Pasteurian mark at one of the special events organized.
Come along to the Émile Duclaux hall!
Find out more :
Consulter le livret de l’expositionConsulter le site Pasteur2022