
Sign up for the "OPERATE-SOC" training run by the SoNAR-Global international consortium

SoNAR-Global, an international network for epidemic preparedness and response funded by the European Commission, is setting up a training course entitled "Operational training on the social dimensions of epidemics" or 'OPERATE-SOC'. It will be held in French from 8 to 10 June 2022 at the Institut Pasteur in Paris.

This training aims to better understand/facilitate the integration and consideration of social aspects of epidemics and infectious threats. These aspects include social, cultural, environmental and political dimensions of epidemic emergence. The training is intended for response actors to epidemics: health and public health professionals, epidemiologists, clinicians, public health authorities, community actors, as well as young researchers and students in social sciences.

The operational objective is to enable response actors to identify different social aspects of an epidemic, to learn concepts and methodologies of SHS that can be used in an epidemic context and the possible modalities of collaboration between SHS and non SHS in operational contexts. The course also proposes scenarios of collaboration through examples/situations involving different disciplines and sectors of activity, as well as investigation tools that can be used during epidemic crises.

We can accept 8 researchers to participate in the training. For those living outside of Paris, financial support is available for travel and accommodation.

To apply, please send your CV and a letter of motivation to Tamara Giles-Vernick ( before 30 April 2022.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 825671.

The course has also received support from the Pasteur Network and the Inception programme funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche - Investissements d'Avenir: ANR-16-CONV-0005

