sustainable development

Check out the Institut Pasteur's 2017-2021 Sustainable Development Report

The Institut Pasteur has been a member of the United Nations Global Compact since June 2010 and it fully supports this initiative, which encourages companies and other organizations throughout the world to adopt socially responsible attitudes, especially by embracing and adhering to ten principles related to human rights, international labor standards, anti-corruption and respect for the environment. The Institut Pasteur has pledged to incorporate these principles in its strategy, its culture and its operation.

This year, the Institut Pasteur senior management team, via Stewart Cole, renewed its commitment to the Global Compact, confirming its determination to pursue the measures already adopted in this area.

To mark this pledge, the Sustainable Development Department published "Institut Pasteur and Pasteur Network – Progress in Sustainable Development", a report detailing measures adopted both on the Paris campus and by Pasteur Network members over the past four years. The measures are broken down into the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set in 2015 by the United Nations.

The report is available in French and English on the Institut Pasteur website and on Webcampus.

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