June 17, 2022
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The Hearing Institute, the Photonic BioImaging technology and service unit (UTechS PBI) and the Education Department are organizing the first Advances in Optical Imaging for Brain Sciences Workshop including both a symposium (July 7, 2022) and a demonstration (July 6-13, 2022).
A symposium on techniques that could boost future brain science
The aim of the symposium is to bring together scientists who are actively developing novel optical imaging techniques, new molecular probes or novel analysis methods to investigate brain circuits at different levels. The symposium held in the historical atmosphere of the Duclaux lecture hall will feature a range of guest lectures by internationally recognized scientists developing methods for optical imaging in the living or fixed brain, along with brief presentations of breakthrough products by associated companies.
• Florent Haiss,Institut Pasteur,Paris, France
• Stephane Dieudonné, ENS Paris, France
• Laurent Bourdieu, ENS ,Paris, France
• Valentina Emiliani, Institut de la Vision, Paris, France
• Valentin Nägerl , IINS ,Bordeaux, France
• Sandrine Levêque-Faure, Institut des sciences moléculaires d'Orsay - ISMO University Paris-Saclay Orsay, France
• Weijian Zong, Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, Trondheim, Norway. Tommaso Fellin, IIT Genes, Italy
Invited Companies for demonstrations
Nine companies have accepted the invitation to come and present either their technology or materials and can organize demonstrations on different samples with you between July 6 and July 13, 2022.
• Femtonics
• Interhence
• Karthala System
• Leica
• MBF Bioscience
• Nikon
• Spark
• Spectra
• ThermoFisher
This workshop benefits from direct financial support from the invited companies.
We strongly encourage PhD students and post-docs to participate.
The organizing committee
Institut Pasteur:
• Hearing Institute
• Education department
• Photonic BioImaging (UTechS PBI)