September 09, 2022
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
In 2022, Villa M awarded research grants to seven early career scientists in the field of health, with the support of Groupe Pasteur Mutualité. The 2022 laureates receive a medical research grant of €10,000.
They were all selected by the scientific committee of the Villa M endowment fund for the quality and excellence of their multidisciplinary research aimed at developing new therapeutic techniques that will benefit patients.
Villa M medical research grants are supported by Groupe Pasteur Mutualité and its constituent health insurance funds: GPM Jeunes Pros de Santé, GPM Hospitaliers, GPM Médecins de Paris and GPM Sud. The research grants are aimed at residents, chief residents, early career practitioners and/or scientists in health, in any specialty, to encourage outstanding scientific research, the development of international exchanges, health innovation and medical progress.
This year, Villa M selected a further seven early career scientists in health out of 400 applicants to receive medical research grants. The recipients included two Institut Pasteur scientists:
• Violaine Esnault, a resident in the Immunology of Fungal Infections laboratory, recognized for her research project "Long-term protection mechanisms against Candida albicans mediated by innate immunity after pre-exposure to β-glucan."
• Nader Yatim, a resident in the Translational Immunology laboratory, recognized for his research project "Prediction of immune toxicity induced by checkpoint inhibitors in cancer patients."