Launch of Concur, the new tool for work-related travel and expenses claims

Since 2009, the Institut Pasteur has had two specific tools to manage mission requests and cash requests:

•    Mission request management (MIP), to submit a mission request, estimate the cost and secure agreement from line managers and finance/HR teams;

•    Management of mission cash balances and cash requests (SDMDT), to receive a refund for costs related to a mission and other work-related expenses.

As part of the ongoing program to modernize its information systems, the Institut Pasteur has decided to introduce a new centralized management tool for business travel and work-related expense claims.

The Financial Affairs Department and the departments in the Information Systems Department are pleased to announce that the Concur tool will soon be rolled out for the management of business travel and expense claims, replacing the current tools (MIP/SDMDT).


What are the benefits of the Concur application?



•    It simplifies, optimizes and secures business travel procedures and expense claims.

•    It offers an integrated online booking system for travel services,

•    It is an entirely paperless system via the smartphone app (no more need for paper documents),

•    It is a central access point for all your business travel, missions, advances against mission expenses, supporting documents and expense claims,

•    It reduces agency fees – we have set a target of 80% of bookings to be made online (compared with 100% currently made offline via the travel agency),

•    It contributes to financial data management, facilitating checks on available cash flow and management of expenditure transactions.



What innovative features does it offer?



•   User-friendly solution: users can easily create or validate the trip and the expense claim

•    Digitization of supporting documents directly via your smartphone with OCR

•    Users can book their travel services online using the tool

•    Simplified validation of mission assignments and expense claims by managers (line managers, budget managers, administrative managers, Delegate for Safety and Security, etc.) via the smartphone app

You are invited to attend one of the presentation sessions, which will be held on September 19 and 21, 2022, from 2 to 4.45pm in the François Jacob auditorium, to find out more about the new app.

You can also attend the sessions remotely via Teams.

Simply register via the following webinar link:

Session on September 19

Session on September 21

The Information Systems Department hopes to see lots of you at these meetings.
