September 09, 2022
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
A package of urgent measures to help French residents cope with the rising cost of living was adopted in August. The Human Resources Department has received a number of questions on this subject and would like to offer some clarifications on some of these measures, in the interests of transparency:
Exceptional release of company savings (PEE)
Between now and December 31, 2022, employees will have the option of releasing funds received via the profit-sharing scheme without having to pay tax on them. This will only be possible in certain conditions (the amounts must have been invested before January 1, 2022 in the Company Savings Plan, excluding "FCPE solidaires" (solidarity-based employee mutual funds); the maximum net amount that can be released is €10,000; only one application can be made per saver and applications must be justified by the purchase of goods or services).
You will be provided with detailed information about the implementation of this measure in the coming weeks by NATIXIS Interépargne, the financial intermediary and manager for the Institut Pasteur's Company Savings Plan.
Possibility to buy back additional leave (RTT)
This measure provided by the 2022 amending finance act is not applicable to the Institut Pasteur.
The measure is only aimed at RTT days in companies where the weekly working time is still higher than 35 hours (the legal weekly working time); in these companies, the aim of RTT days is to compensate the fact that working time is not reduced.
This is not the case at the Institut Pasteur, where weekly working time, whether calculated in hours (tailored flexitime) or in days (the set-days (forfait-jours) agreement), was adjusted to 35 hours with the signing of the agreement on the organization and reduction of working time in 2000.
We would remind you that ARTT/ARTTS leave (for those on the set-days (forfait-jours) system) or JNT leave (non-working days for staff with a reduced set-days agreement (forfaits jours réduits)) must be taken by December 31 of the current year.
As part of the upcoming mandatory annual negotiations, the Institut Pasteur management team is currently examining the possibility of introducing other mechanisms to take into account the high rate of inflation.