October 14, 2022
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
With its sport-themed fundraising initiative "Vivons Vélo" for the Institut Pasteur, AG2R LA MONDIALE is one of Pasteurdon's loyal partners. "Vivons Vélo," which harnesses the power of sport to raise money for charity, turns each kilometer cycled into donations for Pasteurdon. This year's target was €107,500.
Every year, the initiative is supported by:
- The general public: with "Vivons Vélo" events throughout France giving people the opportunity to get together for a bike ride and explore their local area.
- The Institut Pasteur community: with staff challenges taking place both in person and remotely (since last year).
This year, the dedication of all those who took to their bikes in aid of research was as impressive as ever.
The final organized bike rides on Saturday October 8, planned to coincide with Pasteurdon weekend, brought to an end the 2022 "Vivons Vélo" campaign, which has raised a total of €107,500.
The challenge for Institut Pasteur staff, which took place this year in a new digital format (see the September 9 edition of the newsletter), was a great success and also made a huge difference to the Pasteurdon tally. Twenty-eight teams were set up using the Vivons Vélo app (representing 135 Institut Pasteur staff members) and covered a total of 15,481km for Pasteurdon. Well done to all the Institut Pasteur's cyclists for their efforts and their support for research once again!