December 09, 2022
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
• HAL-Pasteur users – Join the Teams meeting on December 15 to check out the new interface
The CeRIS team is holding a Teams meeting on Thursday December 15, 2022 from 4.30 to 5.30pm to present the new interface of the HAL platform.
o Come along and share your impressions of the new face of the HAL-Pasteur portal;
o Explore the base and familiarize yourself with the new layout: deposits, personal space;
o Ask any questions;
o Join the session when you can – several demonstrations will be proposed within the hour.
The new interface is already available online in parallel with the interface you currently use. This transitional period will come to an end in February 2023, when you will only be able to access HAL-Pasteur via the new interface.
To find out more, read the Open Science blog post by the CeRIS on the new interface
Click here to join the Teams meeting
Information, contact :
• Remote training – Advanced EndNote, level 2: Wednesday December 21, 2022, 2 to 5pm* (in English)
Find out about the more advanced features of EndNote 20 and learn some handy tips and tricks. Combining theory and practice, this training session will teach you how to boost your library with references that are not available in traditional databases, manage your library more efficiently and import references into a document (e.g. changing a style).
Aim of the training: to develop advanced skills in using the software
This training is aimed at anyone who already uses EndNote and wants to further develop their command of the software.
It will take place remotely (via Microsoft Teams) in English.
More information :
* Paris time