December 16, 2022
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
On January 1, 2023, the "Biological safety in BSL3 laboratories" training is changing.
Initial training
To validate their training, participants will now have to complete two parts:
1. Part A: e-learning training on how BSL3 laboratories work and rules to work safely in this environment.
2. Part B: instructor-led training specifically about the Institut Pasteur's BSL3 labs and the procedures to follow in the event of an incident or accident in a BSL3 lab.
You can register for Parts A and B via your HR Talentsoft portal.
Please note that you will need to validate the e-learning section (Part A) before registering for the instructor-led training (Part B).
The "Biological safety in BSL3 laboratories" training (Parts A and B) will be valid for 5 years.
Refresher training
To renew your "Biological safety in BSL3 laboratories" training, you will have to complete two assessment forms:
1. An assessment form to evaluate your knowledge on Part A (Kap'Eval "Working in a BSL3 laboratory" – Part A).
If you fail, you will have to retake the e-learning training from the initial program.
2. An assessment form to evaluate your knowledge on Part B (Kap'Eval "Working in a BSL3 laboratory" – Part B).
If you fail, you will have to retake the instructor-led training from the initial program.
To find out more, please email the HR Training Center via