February 03, 2023
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The year 2022 was full of memorable highlights as we paid tribute to Louis Pasteur during the bicentenary year of his birth. A packed program including events, workshops, conferences, exhibitions, book launches and commemorative stamps showcased Louis Pasteur's legacy both in France and beyond its borders, as well as on the Institut Pasteur campus among those who are the torch-bearers of the Pasteurian spirit.
Following the recent award ceremony for the Louis Pasteur Bicentenary Prizes, the closing event in an unforgettable year, the newsletter team looks back on some of the best moments of 2022 which brought out the inner Pasteurian in us all:
Several events were held at the Institut Pasteur to pay tribute to its founder and his legacy. 2022 was brimming with initiatives, starting with the "Pasteurian Spirit" exhibition in the Émile Duclaux hall, inaugurated on March 15. A second, traveling exhibition, entitled "1822-1895, from Louis to Pasteur," was held in the museum foyer as part of this broader cultural and commemorative initiative.
A series of vox pops were produced on campus in late February and broadcast at this event. This was an opportunity for a number of staff members of different ages, with a variety of backgrounds and roles at the Institut Pasteur, to express what it means to them to "be a Pasteurian, to be driven by the Pasteurian spirit."
Check out the vox pops A second highlight was on June 21, 2022, with the "Team Pasteur spirit" event. For this special day, staff members came out in force on the Institut Pasteur campus to make the most of the free afternoon given to all staff to celebrate the summer, music and, of course, the bicentenary of Louis Pasteur's birth.
See the article about this event
Finally, on December 14 and 15, Institut Pasteur staff were invited to come and pick up a copy of a book about Louis Pasteur and enjoy a fun, festive occasion where the Pasteurian spirit mingled with the spirit of Christmas. As the bicentenary year celebrations drew to a close, the Institut Pasteur was delighted to be able to offer all staff the gift of a book of their choice among three books about the Institut Pasteur's founder.
2022 was an opportunity to celebrate Louis Pasteur's scientific and cultural legacy and to give people a chance to discover – or rediscover – his life and work, both in France and around the world.
Check out all of the initiatives that took place in 2022