Company set-up

"Start-me up 2023": take part in the two-day program on launching a life sciences company

The Startup Awareness (SuAw) office of Institut Pasteur will organize the 8th edition of the 2-days training “Start me up 2023” on June 8 – 9, 2023 at CFJ Auditorium.

A two-day training program designed to inspire the development of startups in Life sciences and Health. This year’s theme is “Biotech & Medtech”.

Throughout our program, you will gain invaluable insight into the Biotech and Medtech innovation ecosystem through expert talks, networking sessions over lunch and a special pitching session.

You will have the chance to update your knowledge on the latest trends in the industry and connect with key players in the field.

If you have an idea of startup, it will be the perfect opportunity to present your project and receive helpful feedback.
If you want to pitch your project, please send an email to

More information & registration

Testimonial from the participants in last year


*If you have any question, please feel free to contact the organizers:

Dominique Franco

Jong Eun Ihm
