Tools available on campus and dedicated COVID-19 event with the Task Force on November 9

•    A series of new tools and protocols are now available for your SARS-CoV-2 genome engineering projects.

The COVID-19 Task Force has launched a research program, "PFR-1," for reverse genetics of SARS-CoV-2, coordinated by Florence Larrous and Sandie Munier.

A series of recombinant viruses with mutations in some genes or expressing reporter genes have been obtained and are now available ("In vivo experiments on hamster model: Neuroinvasion and anosmia are independent phenomena upon infection with SARS-CoV-2 and its variants" – G. Dias de Melo, bioRxiv 2022.08.31.50598).

See the PFR-1 data sheet


If you are interested and/or have any technical or regulatory questions about PFR-1, please contact:


Technical part: ;

Dual use:


•    Save the date – Second half-day of discussions on COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 organized on Thursday November 9, 2023, from 2 to 5.30pm, in the auditorium of the François Jacob building.

The aim of this scientific event is to review several projects launched by the COVID-19 Task Force (COVID-RP and PFR).

The event is exclusively open to Institut Pasteur scientists based on campus (especially those working on COVID-19 research), with the aim of reporting the latest news on nine research projects launched by the COVID-19 Task Force in 2021.

The format will be as follows:
• 15 mins./project: 10 mins. (aims, results to date and future prospects) followed by 5 mins. for questions
• Two question/answer questions at the end of sessions 1 and 2
• A general discussion followed by conclusions

The event is free but prior registration is required – please email Gladys Elisabeth:

To find out more, please contact:


Consult the program

