responsible campus

Book your "Climate Fresco" workshop in June 2023

As it pursues its sustainable development commitments, especially its Green Campus, the Institut Pasteur has adopted a number of new measures to support the environment since the start of 2023, with the active support of the Employee Resources Group (ERG) Green Team.

The various targets agreed by the group include raising awareness among staff on campus of the importance of eco-responsibility. In coordination with the Institut Pasteur's Sustainable Development Department, "Climate Fresco" workshops will soon be offered to all staff. 10  people (among the 16 who took part in a first workshop) will take a training course to become leaders in early June. This training includes a theoretical and a practical part which is materialized by an animation of a fresco in binomial coached by an approved trainer.

Find out more about "Climate Fresco"


Program of upcoming workshops

To sign up, click the link

The "Climate Fresco" initiative was launched in 2018 and has become the leading tool to help individuals and organizations take action to tackle the climate emergency. "Climate Fresco" is an objective and neutral initiative, basing its action on the data in the scientific reports produced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It harnesses collective intelligence to raise awareness of climate change among participants.


If you have any questions, please email


  • A look back to the first workshop in April

The first "Climate Fresco" workshop took place on campus on Tuesday April 4, 2023 with some of the representatives of the Employee Resources Group, who serve as ambassadors and spokespeople for environmental action at the Institut Pasteur.

16 people took part in this first workshop. 10 of them will take a training course to become leaders in early June.
