October 06, 2023
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
In connection with WHO's World Antimicrobial Awareness Week, the Institut Pasteur (through its AMR strategic priority area) and Sciences Po are joining forces to organize a joint symposium on the political challenges and impact of antibiotic resistance, on November 20, 2023 at 2pm in the François Jacob auditorium on campus.
The event will focus on the major challenges of antibiotic resistance and on managing antibiotics as a common good.
Three round tables will explore the following questions: how does a health issue become a complex political question? What do we need to do to encourage responsible production, innovation and consumption of antibiotics? And what initiatives and coalitions of stakeholders are required to implement and assess effective policies?
You are warmly invited to take part in this event, which will combine the expertise of researchers in political science and in life sciences and health to offer new cross-cutting perspectives on these crucial questions.
The symposium is open to the public so please feel free to share the details.
The event is free but prior registration is required (spaces are limited).
The deadline for registration is November 10, 2023.
Find out more (in French)
Event organizing committee:
Paola B. Arimondo, Philippe Glaser and Emilie Boutet for the Institut Pasteur
Florent Parmentier and Daniel Benamouzig for Sciences Po