building work

Ongoing development of the "Traverse Jardin": building works from October 16 between Omics and the Vaugirard entrance

As announced in a previous newsletter, the Institut Pasteur management team is pursuing several major projects as part of the real estate master plan. These include the development of a "Traverse Jardin," a garden crossing both parts of campus. The project will involve four phases of work between now and 2030:

• Phase 1: North Campus – Landscaped stretch and central spaces;

• Phase 2: North Campus – West and East Wings;

• Phase 3: South Campus – Landscaped stretch and West Wing;

• Phase 4: South Campus – East Wing.


  • Latest news on phase 1

The work for phase 1 involves three successive stages. The first began in May and June of this year, with roadworks and work to create green spaces in front of the greenhouse. The second stage will take place in October and November, and the third in December and January (click here for details).

We can now give you some additional information about the upcoming stage in October and November, which will involve the road and green spaces between the Omics building and the reception by the Rue de Vaugirard entrance:

Work will be carried out on the area in front of the Pasteur Biotop and Medical Center buildings (buildings 12 and 13) from October 16 to 31,

Work will be carried out in front of the André Lwoff building (building 22) from November 2 to December 1,

The exit to the CIS car park (by the André Lwoff building – building 22) will have to be closed,

The bins for the André Lwoff building will be moved to the area between the Omics buildings (buildings 16 and 14, Simone Veil and Alexandre Yersin).

If you have any questions, please contact:

Please note: in these areas, the scaffolding around the Louis Martin and Émile Roux pavilions is currently being dismantled; this process will be completed in early November.


