
Interdisciplinary training in genomic epidemiology and bioinformatics for public health

Institut Pasteur is one of the consortium members of GenEpi-BioTrain, an ECDC-funded interdisciplinary 4-year program to strengthen surveillance, preparedness, and response capabilities for outbreaks.

The program targets European professionals in diverse fields related to public health microbiology, offering training in pathogen sequencing data interpretation, microbial genomics, bioinformatics, epidemiological surveillance, and more.

The goal is to enhance participants' understanding and skills in public health bioinformatics and genomic epidemiology through various training activities, including two-week workshops, three-day face-to-face sessions, exchange visits, and virtual training sessions. combines lectures and hands-on practical sessions from various host institutions

Other participating institutions include the Technical University of Denmark (coordinator), Statens Serum Institute (Denmark), Research Center Borstel (Germany), Karolinska University Hospital and Institutet (Sweden), and the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (Finland).

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