February 09, 2024
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The Waste, Sterilization and Premises Maintenance (DSE) Department would like to inform you that polystyrene boxes can now once again be collected on campus to be sent for recycling.
For some time now, polystyrene boxes have had to be disposed of in the household waste collection because they were not accepted by our external recycling service provider.
But we have now found a new provider and so from Monday February 12, 2024, polystyrene boxes will be collected in dedicated 660L containers (black with green lids) at the loading bay by the Metchnikoff building (67).
The collection procedure is the same:
• Polystyrene boxes can be placed near the collection trolleys for flat-folded cardboard boxes on the different floors of the buildings on campus;
• They are collected by the cleaning service provider;
• They are centralized at the dedicated storage point (opposite the loading bay by the Metchnikoff building (67));
• The Environment Section in the Waste, Sterilization and Premises Maintenance (DSE) Department contacts a specialist company to pick up the polystyrene waste.
Feel free to contact the teams in the DSE Department, who are more than happy to answer any questions (dechets@pasteur.fr or nettoyage@pasteur.fr).