November 03, 2017
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
To strengthen their partnerships in the field of chemistry, the Institut Pasteur and Chimie ParisTech are running a second annual joint scientific day for the two institutions. Alongside this initiative, a call for proposals is being launched by the two institutions to fund up to four co-supervised second-year Master's internships.
Strengthening links between the Institut Pasteur and Chimie ParisTech is in the mutual interest of scientists at both institutions. That is the idea behind the latest Institut Pasteur/Chimie ParisTech day of scientific meetings on Thursday January 25, 2018, which will be held at the Chimie ParisTech site (11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005, Paris). This scientific day will particularly focus on the four priority research areas identified by the two institutions in 2017:
chemistry for imaging and the development of optical imaging methodologies and MRI,
chemistry of nanoparticles, the development of analytical methods to characterize their interactions with biological objects and their application in imaging,
medicinal chemistry,
As the program for this day has not yet been finalized, you can send your presentation ideas to the organizers, Muriel Delepierre ( and Simon Legendre (, by November 30.
We hope that as many as possible will be able to come along to this event.