science and society

"Science and the challenge of all-out cognitive war": Upcoming Science and Society seminar on March 25, 2024

The SPREADS project (Scenarios of Potential Risks Evolution through Algorithms and Data), in collaboration with INTS/CEA and the Institut Pasteur, will be running a seminar entitled "Science and the challenge of all-out cognitive warfare" on March 25 from 12 noon to 2pm in the Lwoff room.

The speakers will be Cléo Collomb and Vincent Bontems.
The term "cognitive warfare" is used to refer to conflicts in which the mind becomes a battleground, both individually and collectively. The aim of cognitive warfare is to mold information, sometimes slowly and discreetly, to influence collective intelligence, which has now become a target.
What if one way of securing an advantage in a situation of cognitive warfare were to attack knowledge and scientific production? What if we were to shift from fake news to fake science?
The idea that science may be sabotaged was an improbable theory when science was produced by humans, but it needs to be taken seriously now that science is beginning to be based on algorithms and big data, which create new weaknesses. The infection of science by algorithms and artificial intelligence is now a reality...

The aim of this session will be to present the SPREADS project (Scenarios of Potential Risks Evolution through Algorithms and Data in Sciences) and to describe some past instances of attacks on science, while also considering what may happen in the future.
A buffet will be served at the end of the seminar.
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