HAL-Pasteur, Depositing data in the Recherche Data Gouv repository: your upcoming CeRIS training

•   Remote training – Submitting publications to HAL-Pasteur, Tuesday April 23, 2024 from 10am to 12 noon* (in French)
In this practical training course, you will explore the structure and workings of HAL, the French national platform for submitting, sharing and consulting scientific publications, so that you can learn to use it as effectively as possible.
Aims of the training
The course will help you to:
•    Understand how HAL works
•    Manage your account, profile and researcher ID on the platform
•    Use the search and export functions and the myHAL tool
•    Submit your publications to HAL-Pasteur
Topics covered:
•    The terminology and context of open access
•    The Institut Pasteur's policy for submitting publications to HAL-Pasteur
•    The structure and workings of HAL
•    Exploring the user interface: searching and exporting
•    Managing your researcher digital ID in HAL
•    Submitting publications to HAL-Pasteur, best practices and possibilities
•    The HCERES tool and HAL

The training is open to all without any prior requirements.

It will take place remotely (via Microsoft Teams) in French.

Sign up
Consult the detailed program
Check out the CeRIS training calendar
More information: biblioformation@pasteur.fr
•    Remote training – Depositing data in the Recherche Data Gouv repository
Friday April 26, 2024 from 10am to 12 noon* (in French)

The Recherche Data Gouv national repository is a sovereign solution for sharing and providing open access to research data. This multidisciplinary repository can be used for non-sensitive data, no more than 100Gb, if there is no appropriate discipline-specific repository.
At this highly practical training session, you will learn how to deposit a dataset in the Institut Pasteur’s dedicated space and discover the features and advantages of Recherche Data Gouv compared with other multidisciplinary repositories (like Zenodo). You will find out all you need to know to make your data available to the scientific community and associate datasets with your publications.
Aims of the training:
•    Familiarize yourself with the Recherche Data Gouv data repository and learn when and why to use it;
•    Learn how to deposit a dataset in the Recherche Data Gouv repository;
•    Find out how to apply best practices to make sure your dataset is findable, understandable and reusable.
The training is aimed at any scientists who produce non-sensitive data and want to share their data via the Recherche Data Gouv repository.
Sign up
Consult the detailed program
Check out the CeRIS training calendar
More information: biblioformation@pasteur.fr
* Paris time
