building work

Upcoming information meeting on future building work on May 3

Given the many construction and renovation projects under way on the Institut Pasteur campus to modernize the different areas and improve the working environment for staff, the Real Estate and Technical Department is holding regular meetings for all staff to explain the changes that are happening on campus and provide details of each project.

The meetings are held once every three months. They are scheduled to last for one hour, with 30 minutes for presentations and 30 minutes to answer your questions and take comments.

The next information meeting will take place on May 3, from 2 to 3pm (Teams link).

The meetings are in hybrid form – you can attend in person in the Emile Duclaux lecture hall or remotely via Teams. The organizing teams would appreciate it if as many of you as possible are able to come along in person so that you can speak directly to the people who are doing their best to improve your working environment.

Each project necessarily raises concerns, requires certain adaptations and involves a provisional schedule that depends on multiple factors, both human and technical.

The Real Estate and Technical Department teams will therefore be on hand to discuss the different aspects relating to the modernization work on campus. They will introduce the key people involved, the various stages and the related legal obligations and answer questions in their respective fields.

If you have any questions you wish to submit before the meetings, please email
