
Second Ice Day symposium on June 18

The Department of Structural Biology and Chemistry (Francesca Gubellini, Markel Martinez-Carranza and Ludovic Sauguet), with the support of C2RT and DT, is organizing on June 18th the second edition of the symposium “ICE Day” dedicated to Cryo-Electronic Microscopy (Cryo-EM) carried out at the NanoImaging platform.
This one-day symposium will take place from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the Agnes Ullmann Amphitheater.

Its objective is to bring together scientists working on Cryo-EM in the Paris region to discuss their results as well as the future perspectives in the field, and to strengthen the links within this dynamic and growing community.

The symposium will be opened by the keynote speaker, Giulia Zanetti (Birkbeck, University of London, UK). She will be followed by several speakers from the Institut Pasteur and many other Institutes: IBPC, Institut Curie, UPMC, I2BC, Institut Gustave Roussy, as well as the SOLEIL synchrotron.

To learn more about the program

To register and learn more about the scientific program

Registration free but mandatory (note: event limited to 100 people) and open until June 14.
