June 07, 2024
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The ERG-DEI Office, DEI Department and StaPa invite you to celebrate Pride Month together. They prepared a series of events including meet-ups, talks by outstanding LGBT role models, discussions on how to foster an inclusive environment for LGBT scientists, and seminars on the health of transgender persons and sexual minorities. The month of June will end with the Institut Pasteur’s official participation in the Pride march.
• June 7 at 4:30pm (Monod 7th floor)
Pride Month kick-off: meet-up with pastries to discuss your ideas to build an inclusive environment for LGBT scientists
• June 11 at 2pm (François Jacob auditorium + Teams).
A charter against LGBTQIA+ discrimination in French academic research
Dr. Fabrice Roux
CNRS Research director of the ECOGEN team at Toulouse university
• June 20 at 3pm (François Jacob auditorium + Teams). Seminar follow-up with an informal discussion
Scattering atoms, electrons and perceptions
Dr. Clara Barker [She/Her]
Material chemist, lab manager and Inclusion and Diversity Representative at the University of Oxford
• June 26 at 10am (François Jacob auditorium + Teams).
Trans people: introduction into some facts and figures
Dr. Joz Motmans
Coordinator of the central information and expertise center on trans issues at Ghent University Hospital
• June 29: Pride march
As announced in a previous issue of the newsletter, the Institut Pasteur will be taking part in the Pride march in Paris on Saturday June 29, 2024.
All staff members are more than welcome to join the march to show their support and pride!
The organizers would like to thank you in advance for your participation and support for a more inclusive working environment at the Institut Pasteur.
More information: : dei.events@pasteur.fr
The ERG-DEI Office, DEI Department and StaPa look forward to meeting you there.