June 14, 2024
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
On June 21, from 12 noon to 5.30pm, the campus will come alive with music, culture, refreshments and good vibes! Read on for more information about the program of the event. Make sure you don't miss out on this fun, festive afternoon, which will feature a number of highlights!
12 noon to 1.30pm: performances by the Institut Pasteur's culture and sports clubs
Come along to the forecourt of the François Jacob building at 12.noon to see the special summer performances that your colleagues have prepared for you. Enjoy rhythms and melodies, artistic touches and sporting flourishes from members of La Pasteurale, the choir and the sports club.
From 2pm, give your taste buds a treat
A special route around campus will take you past cultural displays including singing, theater and film, punctuated by plenty of refreshment points – treat yourselves to waffles, crepes, candy floss, Italian gelato and "cycling smoothies"!
From 2.30 to 5.30pm, soak up the vibes as you walk around campus
Use your map to follow the route around campus (number 28 side), checking out the many activities and performances along the way:
4pm: make your way to the Émile Duclaux lecture hall for a collective event
Do you fancy getting involved in a collective musical performance and creating a musical tableau as a group, using nothing more than your voice, your body and the amazing sounds they can create? Come and take part in a unique event at 4pm in the lecture hall in the Emile Duclaux building that will use the synchronicity of the Pasteurian community to create rhythm and music!
For more information about the various activities and when and where they will be taking place, download the program (in French) !
From 8pm, outside campus: come along and listen to Institut Pasteur staff from the Music Lab (« Billie and the…What ?! », « Selene’s Dream Team », etc.) who will be giving an open-air concert opposite Villa M, on Boulevard Pasteur. We hope that lots of you will come along and encourage them!
Some roles on campus involve specific demands and requirements (on-call staff, reception staff, staff seeing patients, those dealing with deliveries of biological material and urgent samples) and a constant staff presence is needed. Staff members should organize their time in advance in consultation with their team leader and their colleagues so that everyone can make the most of the activities planned for the afternoon.