December 15, 2017
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The Scientific Information Resources Center (CeRIS) will be screening a selection of science documentaries from its DVD collection on campus from December 26, 2017 to January 4, 2018.
Come and see a different documentary every Tuesday and Thursday at 1.30pm in the Jules Bordet room (on the ground floor of the Metchnikoff building (building 67)).
Tuesday December 26: Marie Curie, au-delà du mythe [Marie Curie, beyond the myth], directed by Michel Vuillermet, 2011 (53 mins)
Thursday December 28: Hyperconnectés, le cerveau en surcharge [Hyperconnected – brain overload], directed by Laurence Serfaty, 2016 (52 mins)
Tuesday January 2: Je me souviens donc je me trompe [I remember, therefore I am wrong], directed by Raphaël Hitier, 2016 (53 mins)
Thursday January 4: Sur le fil du Zika [On the Zika trail], directed by Jean-Louis Pérez, 2017 (52 mins)
The DVDs are available on loan from the CeRIS library:
- by contacting, ext.8068
- by visiting the library (CIS – second floor), Monday to Friday from 10am to 6pm.