Don't miss the upcoming Institut Pasteur events and check out the calendar

The Institut Pasteur organizes regular events to which all staff are invited. To make sure you don't miss any and for an overview of upcoming events for the Institut Pasteur community, head to ePasteur!

On the intranet home page, on the left, under the blue wave with decision memos, you will see the box "Agenda de l'Institut" (Institut Pasteur agenda), which displays the next four upcoming events.


Click on "See all" to see all the events that will be taking place over your selected period. You can filter the results using the dedicated fields:

Here are some of the upcoming events in September which you can read about in this first newsletter of the new academic year:

•    Scientific Council lecture on September 12

•    "Green café" on the topic "Waste," on September 12

•    Information session on the anti-corruption procedure on September 17

•    Focus on sustainable mobility on September 17

•    Institut Pasteur Intercultural Festival on Wednesday September 18

•    2024 European Heritage Days on September 21 and 22

•    Fourth edition of the "Animal testing and society" conference on September 27

