
Research lives in us! The 18th Pasteurdon is on!

Many of you turned out on Wednesday, October 9, to launch the 18th edition of Pasteurdon at CIS, in the halls and auditorium! The campus welcomed the entire Pasteur community, as well as all those involved in the operation: ambassadors, patrons, presenters and journalists, TV and radio representatives, and the operation's sponsors. All of you, united by and for research, helped kick off the new edition of the event, which was skilfully orchestrated around an energetic, rallying happening, rich speeches and testimonials, and an enthusiastic, lively live quiz! 

Happening 2024: “Writing” the Pasteurdon together to bring together a committed community

To open Pasteurdon 2024, a group activity was organized to bring together as large a group as possible, including Pasteurians, journalists and presenters, representatives of media partners and companies, as well as many of the personalities who generously support the operation to defend research.

Lot of you turned out to join in the joyous, participatory crowd as the word “#Pasteurdon” was reconstructed, letter by letter, each one carried by the messengers and spokespeople of the 2024 edition. Erik Orsenna, Institut Pasteur ambassador, Yasmine Belkaid, general manager, Julian Bugier, Pasteurdon ambassador, hosts Rebecca Fitoussi, Colas Bedoy, Jimmy Mohamed, François Allain, Valérie Brochard, but also representatives of the patrons Eric Sanchez from AG2R LA MONDIALE, Rébecca Bardin from Assu 2000, Nathalie Moock from Fondation Le Roch Les Mousquetaires and not forgetting a number of scientists, including Pierre-Marie Lledo, Eulalie Liorzou, Chloé Breton-Patient, Clément Peyroux, Astrid Nilsson et François Laurent.


This collective activity enabled us to declare with one voice, loud and clear, “Ensemble pour le Pasteurdon” (Together for the Pasteurdon) and officially open the 18th edition of the event with strength, conviction and commitment!


Testify for Pasteurdon


The second part of the event took place in the CIS auditorium, with a presentation of the 2024 campaign by Henri Pitron, Director of Communications and Public Affairs, and Antoine Bogaerts, Director of Philanthropy. The spirit, visuals, key words and focus of the new campaign, as well as the exceptional multi-channel system deployed to promote the Pasteurdon, were presented to set the unique scene for this edition.

Various testimonials followed, coordinated by Henri Pitron and Antoine Bogaerts, who worked in tandem to enable everyone to share their support and, at times, very personal stories with the public, with a common thread running through research and the health issues it raises.

Erik Orsenna came on stage to declare his love for research and the Institute's researchers, with whom he has worked for several years now; Yasmine Belkaid, taking over for the very first time from her predecessors to take the Pasteurdon even further, Julian Bugier, ambassador, Anne Barrère, producer and head of media partners, alongside several presenters and journalists on hand for the event Jimmy Mohamed (France Télévisions), François Allain (RMC Découverte), Colas Bedoy (BFM Paris Ile-de-France), Rebecca Fitoussi (Public Sénat), Valérie Brochard (LCP-Assemblée nationale) et Joan Faggianelli (Gulli), as well as Julia Vignali (live) and Kad Merad (by video), Institut Pasteur's patrons, testifying to their sensitivity to research issues directly linked to our health. Finally, the operation's patrons (Nathalie Moock for Fondation Le Roch - Les Mousquetaires, Eric Sanchez for AG2R LA MONDIALE and Rébecca Bardin for Assu2000) were also invited to take the floor to explain their commitment to research and their desire to support Pasteurdon, each in their own way, with their own words and means of action. These testimonials illustrated the need to continue advancing knowledge from research laboratories to benefit the health of all.


A live quiz to challenge scientific knowledge

The next sequence, starting at 7pm, was an all-new event challenging everyone's scientific knowledge through a live quiz orchestrated by Brut. from the auditorium stage and also shared live from the website, and the Facebook and Youtube social networks, extending the audience beyond the campus walls.
Hosted by Pasteurdon ambassador Julian Bugier, the quiz pitted two teams against each other: Institut Pasteur patron Julia Vignali and France Télévisions presenter Jimmy Mohamed, and Gulli presenter Joan Faggianelli and France 24 presenter Fatima Wane. Around the four dominant themes of the 2024 campaign: cancer, women's health, health and the environment, and neurodegenerative diseases, the four candidates had to answer several general scientific culture questions in turn, working together. Thanks to the researchers present in the room and experts in these fields, the members of the two teams, as well as the spectators and web surfers connected, were able to learn more about advances in research, thus furthering their curiosity and highlighting the need for generosity to enable more discoveries. Our thanks go to Philippe Boussos, Eulalie Liorzou, Anna-Bella Failloux, Françoise Lazarini-Serandou and Pierre-Marie Lledo, for their presence at the game and for their contribution in conveying the challenges of research to everyone.


The event ended with an aperitif cocktail, bringing together launch participants for a final time of sharing and conviviality ahead of the upcoming Pasteurdon weekend.


Live or relive the happening

Live or relive the Pasteurdon 2024

Discover the making of the launch

Live or relive the live quiz


Results of the game “Hunting for Pasteurdon”

Between Monday September 30 and Friday October 4, many of you took to the campus to try and find the 10 letters that make up the word Pasteurdon. 
Thank you to all those who took up the challenge, alone or in teams, and always with a smile.


See all the photos on ePasteur

Bip reveals the names of the winners of the game:
•    Clara Cazanave-Pin, health and safety engineer in the Risk Prevention department
•    The team composed of Laura Pedros Cos, Laure Guenin-Mace, Daniela Rici, Kia Ferrell, Florence Bugault and Manon Capdeville, from the Immunology and Therapy Unit


Well done to them! The internal communications team will contact them directly for details of the prizes, which will enable them to spend some quality time with Julia Vignali and Kad Merad, godmother and godfather of Institut Pasteur.


Photos: © Institut Pasteur – François Gardy – All rights reserved
