
Call for Proposal 2024 Medical Department / DARRI

The Medical Department and the Technology Transfer and Industrial Partnership Department (DARRI) launch an internal call to support innovation designed to make the most of access to human samples (ICAReB Biobank for Institut Pasteur) and with a positive impact on public health: discovery or validation of biomarkers, identification of pathophysiological mechanisms and/or therapeutic or prophylactic action.
The project leader may be an internal (Institut Pasteur Paris) or OREX linked to an Institut Pasteur research entity (interface contracts, hosting contracts, joint teams, IHU re-Connect & lnovAND, CIC Cochin Pasteur, CINP).
The objectives of projects are to:

•   initiate new collaborations Institut Pasteur / clinicians with preliminary data, a special relationship with AP-HP, which is set to grow even stronger in the future.

•   to carry out priming/pilot/POC (primary data) projects in order to apply for larger AAPs within or outside Institut PasteurI: PTR, ANR (translational), INCa, PHRC, etc.

•   initiate new industrial partnerships at the end of the project.

•   facilitate ancillary clinical studies
All domains are concerned:  diagnosis / prognosis, therapeutics, vaccines, precision medicine.
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Call publication: October 11th 2024
The submission deadline is on November 25th  2024, 1pm

Allocated funding / project duration: up to 50 k€ / 12 months
Answer to applicant: by mid-February 2025

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