
Sporting prowess and generosity in support of research: a look back at the "Vivons Vélo" campaign and the ongoing Pasteurun challenge

Pasteurun: there’s still time to clock up a few more kilometers to support research!


For the 18th edition of Pasteurdon, since October 9 the Institut Pasteur has invited companies and individuals to take part in a virtual run for charity.
So for a period of 18 days until October 27, 2024, participants can sign up to the Pasteurun app, designed specially for the campaign, and cover as many kilometers as possible (running or walking) in support of the Institut Pasteur's scientists.
Companies can encourage their staff to add to the tally, or individuals can take part in the challenge on their own.
As you all know, Institut Pasteur staff can sign up for the Pasteurun app free of charge. A great many of you have taken the opportunity to sign up and get pedaling for the challenge since October 9. Whether individually or as a team, in your neighborhood or for the "20km de Paris" last Sunday, running or walking, the figures speak for themselves!

Thank you for your unfailing generosity:
- 217 Pasteur participants

- 11,078 km

- 123,205 points
For those of you who have yet to sign up, click below and continue to clock up the kilometers

How to sign up
First challenge: The first 50 Institut Pasteur staff to sign up will receive free running accessories!
Make sure you tell your friends and family about Pasteurun and encourage them to sign up via this link – don't forget to let them know that €10 will be donated to the Institut Pasteur from the €15 sign-up fee.




Vivons Vélo: a generous sporting effort by the general public and Institut Pasteur staff


This year, Pasteurdon partner AG2R LA MONDIALE organized a fun-filled bike ride in Vincennes on October 12.

Departing from the Jacques Anquetil velodrome (vélodrome de la Cipale), a hundred cyclists set off to discover the Bois de Vincennes through an original treasure hunt.

In addition to enjoying a sporting and convivial moment with other cycling enthusiasts, this event was an opportunity for participants to support research into neurodegenerative diseases, led by the Institut Pasteur. AG2R LA MONDIALE, which has organized other rallies since the beginning of the year, once again decided to convert the kilometers covered into donations for the Institut Pasteur. For each participant in all the rallies, AG2R LA MONDIALE donated €10 to the Institut Pasteur, for a total of 70 000€.

A cheque presentation was organized at the end of the rally, in the presence of Soumia Abdellaoui and Mariana Alonso, from the Perception and Action unit.

Crédit photos : @SIGNS
