Human resources

HR calendar: note the dates of the upcoming appraisal campaign and information meetings

This year’s annual appraisals and career development reviews start on Monday November 25 and will run until January 28, 2025. To help you prepare for them, the Human Resources Department teams are running information and training sessions. Make a note in your diary to ensure you are thoroughly prepared!

Appraisals and career development reviews in practice



We would remind you that the annual appraisal campaign includes:

annual appraisals,

lpromotion requests for non-scientific staff ("Compro" – forms also have to be completed for staff wishing to advance from technician to engineer status),

career development reviews, with detailed career development reviews for employees with more than six years of service (legal obligations) who have not had a career review during the past 6 years.
The appraisal campaign applies to all staff at the Institut Pasteur, except for those on fixed-term contracts of less than six months, PhD students and contract workers. Since 2022, all postdoctoral fellows have also received an appraisal as part of the campaign.
This year's campaign will take place from Monday November 25 to January 28, 2025 (online forms involving promotion requests will need to be approved by January 8, 2025 at the latest).

Planning appraisals

-  The Human Resources Department would like to draw your attention to the fact that this year's campaign starts on November 25 and would encourage you to begin scheduling sessions well in advance.

Make sure you allow enough time for an in-depth discussion: an hour and a half is a good guideline.

-  If possible, we would recommend holding these appraisal meetings in person. If necessary, appraisals can also be held remotely, via Teams.

Preparing appraisals



To support you and help you prepare for the campaign as best as possible, the Human Resources Department provides several resources:

Online information and discussion meetings in the week prior to the campaign launch:


•    For heads/managers, on Tuesday November 19 from 11am to 12 noon (the link to the meeting will soon be sent to those concerned by e-mail)
•    For staff, on Tuesday November 19, from 2 to 3pm (the link to the meeting will be communicated in a future BIP in early November).

Training sessions are also available with the Training of the month initiative. This year, particular emphasis has been placed on the importance of feedback, and so the topic of the videoconference sessions will be "The art of giving and receiving feedback". These interactive videoconference sessions lasting 1 hr. 15 will involve illustrations of appraisals and advice and are aimed at boosting the culture of feedback on a daily basis but also during appraisals.

ο    2 sessions organized for all staff on Thursday November 7 and 14, from 10.30 to 11.45am

ο    One session scheduled for managers, on Tuesday November 26 from 2 to 3.15pm.

Click here to sign up directly online

As every year, training workshops are also held for managers to help with conducting appraisals. The session entitled "Conducting constructive annual appraisals: tools and best practices", lasts 3 hours 30 minutes and is available at 3 different times: December 10 from 2 to 5.30pm, December 11 from 9.30 to 1pm or 2 to 5.30pm.

If you are manager, click here to sign up

Please note: the Skills and training webinar on Tuesday November 5 at 11am can help give you a better grasp of the challenges of the appraisals and express your training needs during the campaign.

To attend the webinar on November 5
•    Your local HR contact is available to answer any questions you may have and provide support and guidance.

•    Details about appraisals and career development reviews (a guide, FAQ and practical instructions) will be provided on the intranet page at the beginning of the campaign.

Further information


You can find detailed information on this page. You can also check out the calendar of HR campaigns.


If you have any questions about the Career Portal and the appraisal forms, contact


Summary of sessions to assist you

•    Training webinar on November 5 at 11am – Join the webinar

•    Information and discussion meeting on appraisals and career development reviews – for all on November 19 at 2pm (link communicated in the BIP of November 8)

•    Information and discussion meeting on appraisals and career development reviews – for managers on November 19 at 11am (link emailed to those concerned)

•    Training session "The art of giving and receiving feedback" for all on Thursday November 7 and 14 from 10.30 to 11.45am - To register

•    Training session "The art of giving and receiving feedback" for managers on Thursday November 26 from 2 to 3.15pm - To register

•    Training workshop "Conducting constructive annual appraisals: tools and best practices" for managers on Tuesday December 10 from 2 to 5.30pm, Wednesday December 11 from 9.30am to 1pm or 2 to 5.30pm - To register
