
Upcoming training

The training center in the Talent and Organization Development Department has organized the following in-house training sessions:


  • fj-gradient-webtest2.png FlowJo training, version X, with HCD Bioexperts

Dates: December 3 (introduction) - December 4, 2015 (advanced)

Information and registration


  • logo-sciences-impact.jpg "Writing and publishing a scientific paper in English" training, with Sciences Impact

Dates: December 8-10, 2015

Information and registration


  • Business development and biomedical innovation (university diploma)

This course will take place from January 11 to March 26, 2016 (11 days) at Diaconesses Hospital (in the 12th arrondissement, Paris).

The aims of the course are to raise awareness of the socio-economic and regulatory environment governing the business development of hospital-based or academic research, and to provide a grounding for careers in business development and an introduction to working with or within the health industry.

Information and registration



Training sessions can be arranged on campus at your request if required:

