Human resources

Dual-education campaign since January 7: identification of recruitment needs by managers

The Institut Pasteur's campaign to identify requirements in terms of dual-education students for the 2025-2026 academic year has now begun and will run until January 31, 2025.

This year again, the Institut Pasteur is committed to hosting students and helping steer them towards their planned career in a scientific or non-scientific field, regardless of their level of qualification (from the CAP (professional aptitude certificate) to an engineering degree). The training lasts a minimum of six months, with students alternating between periods at their educational establishment and in the host unit.

Apprenticeship contracts and work-study contracts are aimed at students under the age of 30 who are looking to learn a profession over a period of time while gaining work experience.

Please note that this year, a number of positions for students working towards a BTS (advanced technical diploma) or a "licence professionnelle" (vocational degree) will be opened with the aim of providing a pool of research technicians for the Institut Pasteur.

Any heads of unit interested in this scheme are invited to make their needs known by submitting a DAR (vacancy/hosting request) using the "Alternance" (dual education) form in the Career Portal (Talentsoft) > "Mon Talentsoft" (My Talentsoft) > "Saisir un besoin de recrutement ou d'accueil" (Enter a requirement).


Further information

Go to the ePasteur page on the dual-education campaign for details and information

Go to the page on hosting dual-education students

Go to the dedicated page for the dual-education community
