Human resources

Main measures in the annual negotiations for 2025

The mandatory annual negotiations for the year 2025, which ran from November 20 to December 17, 2024, were recently concluded without an agreement being reached. The statement of disagreement contains the measures that the management team will enforce unilaterally, and will shortly be available on the dedicated ePasteur page for the negotiations.
These negotiations were held in a context of budget constraints, dominated by a marked decline in inflation in 2024 (1.3% vs. 4.9% in 2023). The management team was keen to offer specific, measured responses to the expectations of Institut Pasteur staff. These include:
    •    an index rise of 10 points for employees on both permanent and fixed-term contracts (except for PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and dual-education students, who have specific pay scales), applicable as from the January 2025 salary;
    •    a total budget allocated to individual pay rises of 2.3% (including 0.2% for promotions and the rise in seniority bonuses), to take effect in April 2025;
    •    an increase in the scientific bonus for platform/core facility heads to a gross sum of €3,000 per year (as against €2,000 previously), from 2025 onwards;
    •    a commitment from the management team to reflect on carer’s leave;
These negotiations also provided an opportunity to review the pay scales of postdoctoral fellows to align them with the practices of other research organizations. The following pay raises will apply from January 1, 2025 in view of post-PhD experience:

   •    an additional 35 points for postdoctoral fellows with between 2 and 5 years’ experience post-PhD
   •    an additional 30 points for postdoctoral fellows with between 5 and 7 years’ experience post-PhD
   •    an additional 20 points for postdoctoral fellows with more than 7 years’ experience post-PhD

The salary levels applied by the Institut Pasteur for both PhD students and postdoctoral fellows are now identical or higher than those adopted by other research organizations.
Moreover, cover for healthcare costs (health insurance) was reviewed with a new rate applicable as of January 1, 2025.
  •    Further to the request of our insurer Swiss Life to raise contribution rates by 3% for healthcare costs (health insurance), the Institut Pasteur management team proposed to increase its cover for staff. The employer’s share is now 70% as against 67% previously.

  •    The guarantees and benefits offered by the scheme remain unchanged. 

  •    This specific measure formed an addendum to the Institut Pasteur’s provident insurance scheme signed by all the trade unions, which can be downloaded here (soon available)

All these measures represent a 2.5% increase in payroll, in line with the current market average.
To find out more, see the ePasteur page
