February 07, 2025
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Find here the message from Patrick Trieu-Cuot, Senior Executive Scientific Vice-President (interim), and François Romaneix, Senior Executive Vice-President, on the publication of the Hcéres evaluation report:
“Dear Pasteurians,
The Haut conseil de l'évaluation de la recherche et de l'enseignement supérieur (Hcéres) is the independent public authority responsible for evaluating all higher education and research structures, in order to :
provide the management teams of higher education and/or research establishments with recommendations on which to base their future training and research strategy;
provide civil society with reliable and transparent information on the activities of the institutions it audits.
Between 2022 and 2024, Hcéres conducted its first-ever evaluation of Institut Pasteur. Structured around three periods of exchange - the second half of 2022, the first half of 2023 and June 2024 - the Hcéres evaluation campaign involved a committee of international experts. The process involved in-depth dialogue with senior management, all directors, representatives of the various internal evaluation committees, representatives of scientific and administrative functions and staff representatives, as well as representatives of Pasteur Network and a large number of the institute's partners, in order to discuss Institut Pasteur's objectives, values, scope, organization and operations.
Management has taken note of the evaluation published today by Hcéres, and welcomes the quality of the analysis carried out by its panel. It considers that the evaluation of research activities is an essential step: evaluation is an integral part of any scientific activity, and it is legitimate for citizens to be informed in a transparent way of the results of such a central activity for the progress of society. Management is grateful to Hcéres for the recommendations it has made to Institut Pasteur, which will enable us to move forward in the interests of our staff, donors and partners, as well as the scientific community and society as a whole.
Read the Hcéres evaluation report on Institut Pasteur
Read the Hcéres press release (in French)
Institut Pasteur has many assets to help it succeed in its mission
In its report, Hcéres notes that the Institut Pasteur, thanks to its international reputation and excellent research activities, has a number of assets at its disposal to succeed in its mission of advancing knowledge in the service of human health.
The Hcéres highlights the high quality of support provided by the institute to its research teams, whether in terms of administrative procedures, career guidance for researchers or access to state-of-the-art technological equipment. It also highlights the high quality of its innovation and technology transfer support activities, from scientific discovery through to the exploitation and implementation of inventions.
The Hcéres also notes the institute's commitment to academic excellence, as well as its pioneering role in science education worldwide, thanks to the ongoing development of a training offer that the Haut conseil considers to be solid, creative and comprehensive. Furthermore, it points out that the staff, both scientific and administrative, express a strong sense of pride in working in a stimulating environment, structured around flexible, dynamic and innovative teams.
Finally, Hcéres highlights Institut Pasteur's commitment to the principles of scientific integrity, ethics and open science, as well as its commitment to the ecological transition, notably through concrete actions to reduce the carbon, energy and environmental footprint of its activities.
Relevant recommendations in line with the strategic plan
At the same time, Hcéres points out that Institut Pasteur faces a number of challenges in maintaining research at the highest international level within a constrained budgetary context.
To reinforce the excellence of its research and increase its influence, Hcéres suggests that Institut Pasteur take a number of measures, in particular refocusing its activities on several key scientific priorities, increasing synergies between its research, innovation, teaching and public health missions, anticipating the challenge of renewing its scientific staff as many retire, strengthening its national and European partnerships and supporting the reform of Pasteur Network.
Management considers these recommendations to be relevant, and notes that they are in line with the priorities identified in the “Pasteur 2030” strategic plan. The strategic plan will focus in particular on refocusing Institut Pasteur's scientific project on its core strengths and expertise, in order to enhance the impact of the institute's activities in the service of society. In the interests of transparency towards public authorities and the general public, management will communicate regularly on the implementation of these recommendations as part of the new strategic plan.
Mobilizing the pasteurian community
Management welcomes this report, both for its distinctive qualities and for its constructive recommendations.
The “Pasteur 2030” strategic plan, recently presented by the new President, is based on findings very similar to those made by the jury, and provides for a series of actions particularly in line with these recommendations.
The successful deployment of the new strategic plan, which is both solid and ambitious, will rely on the support of the entire Pasteur community, united around a common goal: to advance the state of knowledge to serve health.
Patrick Trieu-Cuot, Senior Executive Scientific Vice-President (interim)
François Romaneix, Senior Executive Vice-President