April 20, 2018
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The Inception program, supported by the call Institut Convergence des Investissements d'Avenir, is launching a call for collaborative, transversal and interdisciplinary projects aimed at understanding the emergence of pathologies through individuals and populations.
Application and eligibility
Interdisciplinary project on the emergence of pathologies, combining biology, medicine, mathematics, statistics, computer science, physics, social sciences ...
The cross-cutting nature must be clearly demonstrated as well as its added value to answer the questions addressed in the project
Collaboration between two or more units/ research teams in complementary areas of expertise
One of the teams carrying the project must be affiliated with the Institut Pasteur (Paris); The other team (s) must be affiliated to one of the partners of Inception(Institut Pasteur included)
Projects may also include the participation of additional, unaffiliated teams in one of the Inception partners. However, the budget allocated by Inception will not cover the expenses of such partners for the implementation of the project.
The call is open to all Institut Pasteur units/teams and partner institutes.
250k € maximum for 2 years (human resources/running/equipment). To see partners of Inception:
Applications should be sent to Inception-P2Icalls@pasteur.fr. They will be evaluated by the Inception steering committee with the help of international experts, for implementation on January, 1st 2019. Closing date: June 15, 2018.