November 27, 2015
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The next lecture organized by the Scientific Council - " Control of HIV/AIDS: can we imitate nature? " - will be held on Thursday, November 5, 2015 at 4.30pm in the Émile Duclaux lecture hall.
The lecture will be given by Michaela Muller-Trutwin, head of the HIV, inflammation and persistence Unit.
Consult the list of 2016 lectures
The LabEx Milieu Intérieur Project is organizing its Annual Speed-dating Symposium on December 8th, at 3 pm in Auditorium Monod.
Speakers will have 5 mins and 3 slides to explain their contribution to the MI Project and give an overview of the dynamics and next steps of the project.
Please find the programme attached and all information on the project on the Milieu Intérieur website and video.