
EMBO Conference “International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis”

affiche_isopol2016.jpg The bacterium Listeria monocytogenes is responsible for severe food-borne infections that affect immunocompromised individuals, new born babies, elderly and pregnant women. Mortality due to listeriosis is still close to 30%. Contamination by this organism leads to food recalls from the market. Listeria is also of veterinary imortance. Strikingly, three decades of molecular, and cellular studies have in addition raised Listeria among the best models in infection biology.

The EMBO conference ISOPOL XIX (June 14-17) is the 19th edition of an international meeting which gathers every three years, participants from all over the world and allows exchange and update on a wide range of topics concerning Listeria and listeriosis from epidemiology, diagnostic, and typing methods, to genomics, post-genomics, fundamental microbiology, cell biology and pathogenesis.

The meeting intends to attract up to 450 participants. The target audience includes scientists including students and post docs, from the academy, from the industry and from public health agencies i.e. fundamental microbiologists, medical microbiologists, veterinary microbiologists and public health specialists as well as researchers in cell biology and immunology.


Organizer : Pascale Cossart, Institut Pasteur


Online registration. Please note that all participants must register online.

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